The 7th grade New Jersey native has never allowed his disability to get in his way. He has been active in sports since age 5 and has played on a travel baseball team since he was 9. Logan’s mom saw an Instagram post that a TV show was launching a worldwide casting call for a boy his age who was an amputee for the leading role in a new series. “I saw the post and I thought, ‘Sure, I’ll try it.’ So, I auditioned and I got the part.” Best Foot Forward, a family comedy with a great deal of heart, is based on the life of Josh Sundquist, an author, motivational speaker, social media influencer, and Paralympian. He is also the author of four bestselling books including, Just Don’t Fall, the inspiration for the series. Logan portrays 12-year-old Josh Dubin, who convinces his mom to let him go to public school for the first time in 7th grade after a lifetime of homeschooling with his younger brother and sister. Apple TV+ Logan’s mom Jennifer Marmino says that since she and her husband both work full time and Logan has eight-year-old twin siblings (brother Joey and sister Ellie), it took a great deal of family support and scheduling for Logan to be able to head to L.A. to work on Best Foot Forward. “It was basically a roller coaster at the end of the summer last year, trying to figure out how we were moving him to Los Angeles for four months and who was going to be out there with him,” his mom explained. “Since it was something that he really wanted to do, he was passionate about it because of the mission behind it, we felt that we had to figure it out as a family.” Logan’s biggest advice to all of us is extremely wise beyond his years. “Just be yourself. That’s the best thing you can do,” he exclusively tells “It doesn’t matter what other people think. If you’re going out there every day and being yourself that’s a win.” He adds that he takes his ability to be a role model through the new series very seriously. “It’s an honor just being able to spread awareness and show kids that I’m like them; especially kids with disabilities and amputees out there,” Marmino explained. Read on to learn more about Logan Marmino’s journey to stardom and beyond.

Where do you get the confidence to take on a leading role?

Logan Marmino: You’ve got to try everything, I guess. When I first heard about the audition my response was, “Sure, I’ll try it.” And look where we are now. I guess just loved being on set and being with everybody. It was a very comfortable environment and everybody on the set just made it a lot better. I guess I just wanted to try it.

How did you find out you got the role of Josh?

I had to come home from baseball practice. We got onto a Zoom call and they told me the news that I got the part, and I was speechless. I couldn’t talk for the rest of the Zoom meeting.

What have you learned about yourself through your TV role?

I found out that I can act. The biggest lesson in the show that I can think of is just we’re all human and at the end of the day if we can all just embrace our differences and all just respect each other and that we are all normal but in our own ways.

How do you spend your time when you are not in school?

My favorite thing to do is ride my bike around, going into the woods and fly fishing. We live in a peaceful and beautiful area. I play a lot of baseball; outfield is my favorite position. I also like to draw and I enjoy science.

What did you appreciate and relate to when it came to your character of Josh in Best Foot Forward?

I appreciated the whole kid with the leg thing, everybody kind of bullying him with kindness; that was a big one. The writing is filled with stuff that pretty much anybody with a disability can relate to. I appreciated that the show is one of a kind and that people with disabilities can really see themselves on screen because nothing like that has ever happened before on TV. Apple TV+

What’s been the reaction to the show from your friends, your family and fans you might have encountered on social media?

Everybody loves it. Everyone is saying that it’s a funny and relatable show. It is a show that everyone can watch. My friends at camp couldn’t wait to grab my phone and watch Best Foot Forward.

What is it like to spend time talking to the real Josh (Sundquist), who I know plays the therapist for your character who fits him for a new prosthesis?

We’re good friends. I love to spend time with him on set and off the set. He was just an amazing person, and he’s extremely funny.

Do you see him as a positive role model?

Definitely. Everything that he’s doing with social media, and now with the show, is about spreading awareness for amputees. I think what he is doing is awesome. Apple TV+

How do you feel about people who put limits on you or anybody else? There are a lot of naysayers out there when it comes to children and adults with disabilities.

Well, you’ve just got to prove them wrong, I guess. They can say what they want to say. They can say what you can and can’t do, but they don’t know that. Somebody will have a picture in their head of me not being able to do what they do, and the best way to tell them that I can do what they can do or even do it better is just to prove them wrong. My hashtag always has been “#nolimits,” I’ve always said that. You’ve just got to prove them wrong; they don’t know what you can and can’t do.

Were you tutored on the set?

Yes, there was a set teacher. His name’s Scott, he was the best. And then they connected with my school in Medford so I was on track with everything. In math I was actually a bit ahead, so that was good.

Why is spreading disability awareness so important to you?

It gives kids the opportunity—like amputees and kids with disabilities—to be comfortable in their own bodies and just know that there are other kids like them and that they can do whatever any other kid can do, and just being aware. It all starts with awareness. If they don’t know that and people aren’t spreading that word then they’re not going to be able to do that. They’re not going to be able to have that opportunity.

What advice would you have for someone who might want to go into acting or entertainment or another difficult and competitive field?

I would say just give it a shot. You never know until you try. If you really think you want to do something, l just try it. There’s no problem in trying everything that you can. Yeah, if you want to act then try to act if you want to play sports then try to play sports if you want to be a master chess player then do it. Don’t be afraid to pursue your dreams. You never know what you can do unless you try. Apple TV+

How do you feel about the series going into Best Foot Forward Season 2?

I had a lot of fun. Filming the show was so much fun and it tells a great story. The more seasons, the better, to spread awareness. I want a Season 2. I definitely thought that there was more to explore and I enjoyed it and I wanted it to come back. Season 1 of Best Foot Forward is streaming on Apple TV+. Next, get the lowdown on Apple TV+’s The Morning Show Season 3.

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