100+ Star Wars trivia questions and answers:

  1. Question: What is Baby Yoda’s real name? Answer: Grogu.
  2. Question: Where did Obi-Wan take Luke after his birth? Answer: Tatooine.
  3. Question: Who is Palpatine’s granddaughter? Answer: Rey.
  4. Question: Who was Anakin Skywalker’s Padawan? Answer: Ahsoka Tano.
  5. Question: What is Mando’s real name from The Mandalorian? Answer: Din Djarin.
  6. Question: Who had the highest midi-chlorian count in Star Wars? Answer: Anakin Skywalker.
  7. Question: What year did the first Star Wars movie come out? Answer: 1977.
  8. Question: Where is Jabba the Hutt’s Palace located? Answer: Tatooine.
  9. Question: What’s the name of Boba Fett’s ship? Answer: Slave I.
  10. Question: Who are Kylo Ren’s parents? Answer: Han Solo and Princess Leia.
  11. Question: Who killed Qui-Gon Jinn? Answer: Darth Maul.
  12. Question: According to Yoda, there are always how many Sith Lords…no more, no less? Answer: Two (Rule of Two).
  13. Question: What is the episode number of the very first Star Wars film? Answer: IV.
  14. Question: Who built C-3PO? Answer: Anakin Skywalker.
  15. Question: What is the name of Han Solo’s ship? Answer: The Millennium Falcon.
  16. Question: Who acted as Queen Amidala’s decoy? Answer: Her handmaiden Sabé.
  17. Question: What was Finn’s stormtrooper number? Answer: FN-2187.
  18. Question: Where was Yoda’s home in his final years? Answer: Dagobah.
  19. Question: Chancellor Palpatine was which Sith Lord? Answer: Darth Sidious.
  20. Question: Han Solo was frozen in what? Answer: Carbonite.
  21. Question: Who had Rey’s parents taken and killed? Answer: Palpatine.
  22. Question: Luke lost which of his hands in a fight with Darth Vader? Answer: His right hand.
  23. Question: Finish this quote from The Mandalorian: “This is the ___” Answer: Way.
  24. Question: Who killed Jabba? Answer: Princess Leia.
  25. Question: Who adopted Anakin and Padmé’s daughter? Answer: Bail Organa.
  26. On Tatooine, what name did Obi-Wan go by? Answer: Ben.
  27. Question: Anakin Skywalker grew up to be who? Answer: Darth Vader.
  28. Question: The Lion King’s Mufasa and which Star Wars character were voiced by the same actor (James Earl Jones)? Answer: Darth Vader.
  29. Question: Per Yoda, what is the path to the dark side? Answer: Fear.
  30. Question: What species is Chewbacca? Answer: Wookiee.
  31. Question: Padmé was Queen of what? Answer: Naboo.
  32. Question: What is Kylo Ren’s birth name? Answer: Ben Solo.
  33. Question: Who created Star Wars? Answer: George Lucas.
  34. Question: Who is Luke and Leia’s father? Answer: Darth Vader.
  35. Question: Who told Anakin there is another Skywalker? Answer: Yoda.
  36. Question: Leia made who acting general? Answer: Poe Dameron.
  37. Question: Which character said, “Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You are my only hope”? Answer: Princess Leia.
  38. Question: Bo-Katan wanted what from Moff Gideon in The Mandalorian? Answer: The Darksaber.
  39. Question: Which film was the final installment of the Skywalker Saga? Answer: The Rise of Skywalker.
  40. Question: Where was Baby Yoda when Order 66 was initiated? Answer: Coruscant.
  41. Question: What color was Mace Windu’s lightsaber? Answer: Purple.
  42. Question: What color was Yoda’s lightsaber? Answer: Green.
  43. Question: C-3PO is fluent in over how many forms of communication? Answer: Over six million.
  44. Question: What species is Jar Jar Binks? Answer: Gungan.
  45. Question: What is the name of Anakin’s stepbrother? Answer: Owen Lars.
  46. Question: Who was Boba Fett’s father? Answer: Jango Fett.
  47. Question: Who composed the soundtrack album to the 1977 film Star Wars? Answer: John Williams
  48. Question: Who killed Mace Windu? Answer: Darth Sidious.
  49. Question: What is the name of the female member of the Jedi High Council who is of the same species as Yoda? Answer: Yaddle.
  50. Question: What was Galen Erso’s nickname for his daughter? Answer: Stardust.

Pop Quiz: Star Wars Facts & Trivia

  1. Question: True or False, Boba Fett survived the Sarlacc pit Answer: True.
  2. Question: How many episodes are in the Skywalker Saga? Answer: Nine.
  3. Question: Who is known for saying the line: “I have spoken”? Answer: Kuiil.
  4. Question: Who does Baby Yoda leave with in The Mandalorian Season 2 finale? Answer: Luke Skywalker and R2-D2.
  5. Question: Who played Princess Leia? Answer: Carrie Fisher.
  6. Question: Where does Rey find Luke Skywalker?Answer: Ahch-To.
  7. Question: Which actor played Luke Skywalker? Answer: Mark Hamill.
  8. Question: What character did Carrie Fisher’s daughter Billie Lourd play in Star Wars? Answer: Lieutenant Kaydel Connix.
  9. Question: Who does Obi-Wan say was the “Chosen One”? Answer: Anakin.
  10. Question: Who directed Star Wars: The Force Awakens? Answer: J.J. Abrams.
  11. Question: Who directed Star Wars: The Last Jedi? Answer: Rian Johnson.
  12. Question: Who does BB-8 belong to? Answer: Poe Dameron.
  13. Question: How many children does Darth Vader have? Answer: Two.
  14. Question: Lightsabers are powered by what type of crystal? Answer: Kyber crystal.
  15. Question: Which actor played Lando Calrissian? Answer: Billy Dee Williams.
  16. Question: Where do Rey and BB-8 first meet? Answer: Jakku.
  17. Question: Who directed Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker? Answer: J.J. Abrams.
  18. Question: The Mandalorian was created by who? Answer: Jon Favreau.
  19. Question: Who said, “I know what I have to do, but I don’t know that I have the strength to do it”? Answer: Kylo Ren.
  20. Question: According to Luke, confronting what is the destiny of a Jedi? Answer: Fear.
  21. Question: Who does Finn kiss in The Last Jedi? Answer: Rose.
  22. Question: What is the name of Lupita Nyong’o’s Star Wars character? Answer: Maz Kanata. 73. Question: What episode is Attack of the Clones? Answer: II.
  23. Question: Who is Darth Vader’s grandson? Answer: Kylo Ren.
  24. Question: What episode is Return of the Jedi? Answer: VI.
  25. Question: Leia said never underestimate a what? Answer: Droid.
  26. Question: In which movie do Rey and Kylo kiss? Answer: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.
  27. Question: X-wing fighters were used by the Resistance or the First Order? Answer: Resistance.
  28. Question: What episode is A New Hope? Answer: IV.
  29. Question: Jyn Erso said rebellions are built on what? Answer: Hope.
  30. Question: Palpatine gave the command to execute what Order in Revenge of the Sith? Answer: 66.
  31. Question: Legend describes what as the hidden world of the Sith? Answer: Exegol.
  32. Question: What episode is The Phantom Menace? Answer: I.
  33. Question: Who killed Snoke? Answer: Kylo Ren.
  34. Question: What episode is The Last Jedi? Answer: VIII.
  35. Question: What was Mando’s weapon against Moff Gideon’s darksaber? Answer: A beskar spear.
  36. Question: What episode is Revenge of the Sith? Answer: III.
  37. Question: Who is the black market droidsmith Poe knows on Kijimi?   Answer: Babu Frik.
  38. Question: What’s the name of the casino city that Rose and Finn visited in The Last Jedi? Answer: Canto Bight.
  39. Question: What episode is The Empire Strikes Back? Answer: V.
  40. Question: Who was the spy within the First Order in The Rise of Skywalker? Answer: General Armitage Hux.
  41. Question: What compasses lead the way to Exegol? Answer: A Sithway finder.
  42. Question: What was Poe Dameron’s old job before becoming a pilot? Answer: A spice runner.
  43. Question: Cobb Vanth had whose armor in The Mandalorian? Answer: Boba Fett’s armor.
  44. Question: Luke said, “Confronting ___ is the destiny of a Jedi”? Answer: Fear.
  45. Question: Who killed Han Solo? Answer: Kylo Ren.
  46. Question: C-3PO is mechanically incapable of speaking translations from who? Answer: The Sith.
  47. Question: According to Zorii, what can give free passage through any blockade and landing privileges, any vessel? Answer: A First Order Captain’s medallion.
  48. Question: Who famously said, “These aren’t the droids you’re looking for”? Answer: Obi-Wan.
  49. Question: Rey and Kylo are a what ___ in the Force? Answer: A dyad in the Force.
  50. Question: What episode is The Force Awakens? Answer: VII.
  51. Question: Who played Han Solo in 2018’s Solo: A Star Wars Story?  Answer: Alden Ehrenreich.
  52. Question: Who wins by making people think they are alone? Answer: The First Order. Next, what is a Mandalorian?

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