The uncertainty of modern life demands our constant time and energy, making it more challenging than ever to take time for ourselves. Not to mention that self-care has become a buzzword as of late (cue the bubble bath selfies and nail art), giving more reason to ignore it entirely.  Maybe you’re a caregiver, or just that person who’s constantly helping others. That’s a wonderful quality to have! But, it might be time to reconsider the classic airplane safety warning: secure your own oxygen mask before assisting others. Here, we’ve compiled a list of creative self-care ideas and tips that can help you nurture your inner world and meet your most pressing needs—so you can be even better at helping others.

1. Show up for yourself 

According to Serena Scanzillo, wellness expert and founder of SerenaFit, neglecting self-care can put a damper on how you interact with the world. “There’s something to be said about the energy you carry, and if you’re consistently putting yourself last, that’ll come through.”  Learn to show up for yourself by tuning into what feels good, and what doesn’t—then use that information to make informed choices.

2. Put a “price tag” on your time

It’s a good idea to set boundaries between yourself and anyone who doesn’t value your time. “If you’re losing time for yourself because you’re always helping others, something needs to change. Ask yourself why you feel that you always need to say “yes” to people,” Scanzillo explains. She recommends putting a proverbial price tag on your time, meaning it isn’t something to give away freely. Whether it’s setting out-of-office emails or making friends with your phone’s “do not disturb” setting, such boundaries show that your time matters.

3. Create and follow a plan

“We have to show up for ourselves, and planning ahead is one of the ways we can do that,” Scanzillo adds. As a professional who creates custom wellness plans for people seeking health realignment, she seeks accountability as the greatest challenge.  “Take it one workout, one meditation and one meal at a time. How can you implement a reasonable health plan that encourages better habits and actively benefits you and your well-being?”

4. Recruit expert help

Seeking the help of an expert is an oft-overlooked way to practice self-care. This is especially true if you’re a caregiver or parent, where seeking help may be seen as taboo. “Let’s take the pressure off ourselves and start asking for help,” Scanzillo suggests. She adds that it’s important to research experts who may be able to support your needs. “Start creating the life you love by educating yourself on what it takes to be your healthiest you. Knowledge is power!”

5. It’s a necessity, not an extra

Self-care is by no means an extra, but it’s easy to fall into that mindset. Teresa Thompson, LCSW, says that positive habits may come more easily (and guilt-free) by reframing them as essential ingredients to a higher quality of life. “Just as you need to eat, drink, and sleep, you need to do things to decompress and nourish yourself regularly — that practice is not negotiable.”

6. See the impact of your actions

We get so wrapped up in completing our to-do lists that we forget to consider whether those tasks are actually working. “Think critically about whether over-scheduling yourself and always putting others first are even getting the intended results,” Thompson adds. “When you jump from activity to activity, commitment to commitment, are you really fully present at each one? Are you really connecting and contributing to your fullest ability?”  When the answer is no, take time to scale back those activities and scale up your self-care.

7. Start small

Jumping into full self-care mode can be daunting at first, and it’s an easy way to set yourself up for self-perceived failure,Thompson says. “Start small, with changes that will stretch you but are still achievable,” Thompson explains.  Starting out small can boost your confidence, so that bigger changes feel more approachable.

8. Lean into little things

Sometimes, the simplest shifts have the biggest impact. “Close your email inbox while you eat lunch. Get a little more sleep by going to bed half an hour earlier, or getting up half an hour later. Take a little time for self-reflection by writing down a high point and a low point of your day every evening,” explains Thompson.

9. Try screen-free self-care

Many of us are glued to our phones, which also makes us tethered to work and family responsibilities. But research shows this can be detrimental to mental health. That’s why Dr.Gauri Khurana, MD, MPH, recommends keeping your phone off when you’re engaging with self-care activities. “Don’t look at your phone while getting your nails, hair or any other self-care things done. Same goes for not having your phone during workout classes.”

10. Prioritize physical touch

No matter what’s going on in life, it’s essential to carve out time for physical touch. “Being touched helps our brains grow new brain cells—a massage, especially for single people, is amazing and much needed,” Dr. Khurana says. “Single people may not be getting touched as often as those that are partnered. Pets count towards being touched too!”

11. Avoid overwork

In Japanese culture, Karoshi is the concept of death (on a spiritual or soul level) from overwork. In our world—with 24/7 access to work via our screens—it’s easy to experience Karoshi and because we lose sight of our life’s greatest joys. “Dying from one’s job is not a way to live,” Dr. Khurana points out. “I encourage everyone to have boundaries."

12. Connect with loved ones

The pandemic has changed how we relate to one another. Dr. Khurana suggests that it’s key to uphold regular phone and video dates with friends, even when in-person relating isn’t possible. “Regular contact with people that you share meaningful relationships with is essential for mental health.”

13. Hire help

Whether it’s an assistant or a cleaning professional, if it’s within your means, hiring help can be a great way to practice self-care. Instead of deep cleaning the house every week, for example, you could spend those three extra hours on self-care. “I have an assistant to help me schedule my patients and it frees up so many hours in my week!” Dr. Khurana adds.

14. Categorize types of self-care

Self-care comes in many different forms, and it’s important to recognize how they look and feel for you. For example, Nekeshia Hammond, PsyD suggests having both individual self-care, and group self-care. “Choose solo activities that bring you joy.  Find activities to do with the family to increase family bonding time.”

15. Practice presence

Incorporating mindfulness into everyday life is a great way to stay present and ward off worry. “Work on blocking out the thoughts of the day (yes, sometimes it’s tough!) but practice focusing on the few minutes it may take to complete a task, like brushing your teeth,” Dr. Hammond says. Focus on each step—from turning on the water, to squeezing the toothpaste tube—in order to cultivate mindfulness. Next up: 50 Family Caregiver Quotes 


Serena Scanzillo, Wellness Expert and Founder of SerenaFitTeresa Thompson, LCSWGauri Khurana, MD, MPHNekeshia Hammond, Psy.D.BMC Medical Education: Self Care and Quality of LifePreventive Medicine Reports: Screen Time and Psychological Wellbeing 15 Self Care Ideas for Caregivers - 47