The Ted Lassofan favorite may seem like he has no filter, but he does keep his cards close to his chest. His co-star, Juno Temple, told Rolling Stone that his somewhat demure nature is one of the things that makes the actor such an effective force as the cantankerous Roy Kent. “I think Brett himself is a very private person, which is something I respect and love about him, and then as an actor, he’s incredibly brave,” she said. “He isn’t afraid to have Roy’s secrets. And you can’t help but fall in love with Roy because of how much Brett loves playing him and how much Brett puts into playing him.” Goldstein himself admitted that he has a lot in common with his character and grew up adjacent to some soccer stars, which helps him in his work in a big way. “It was partly that I felt like I understood him. I won’t name them, but we have family friends who are professional footballers, so I grew up around these types,” he said.“I was around when they retired, and I know how difficult that transition is. How football is your life and then suddenly it isn’t — and you have no training for the real world or normal life. There’s a real sort of tragedy to that. No one wants to stop playing football — it’s just that your body can’t. That’s tragic.” He continued, “I understood the sadness of that. I understood his depression. And, most of all, I fully understood the rage. It was all the aspects of him. I thought, ‘I am Roy Kent.’ The difference is that I don’t want people not to like me, so I suppress it more.” And like him we do! Get to know Brett Goldstein and exactly how private he can be (while still being super lovable and hilarious).
Brett Goldstein age: When was Brett Goldstein born?
Goldstein, born in 1980, is 41 years old.
Brett Goldstein height
Goldstein is 5'11" tall.
Is Brett Goldstein married?
Goldstein isn’t married (that we know of!).
Who is Brett Goldstein’s wife?
Goldstein is not married.
Is Brett Goldstein single?
Goldstein keeps his private life pretty private, but his Ted Lasso co-star Hannah Waddinghamspilled the beans to PEOPLE that he does have a girlfriend. The lucky lady’s identity has not yet been revealed.
What nationality is Brett Goldstein?
Goldstein is British.
Did Brett Goldstein write Ted Lasso?
Goldstein was initially brought onto the Ted Lasso roster as a writer. He explained to Rolling Stonethat he’d worked on a pilot for Ted Lasso producer Bill Lawrence that ended up not getting picked up, but that the two stayed in touch. When Lawrence had an opening for a writer for Ted Lasso, he reached out to Goldstein and set up a Facetime call with Jason Sudeikis. Goldstein recalled that he thought the meeting would last just 10 minutes, but that the pair ended up talking for hours. “It finished and I was like, ‘Oh God, I’m in love. I really want this to happen.’ On [that] Monday I was there in LA in the writers’ room,” he said. “All of these things are just f**king life-changing.” He admitted that before he got the gig, he thought his showbiz ship had sailed. “In terms of my career, I was definitely at a point where it felt like the train had passed me by,” he admitted. “I had been working consistently but never to much notice from the industry. I loved the work but I was beginning to think it was all over. Then Ted Lasso happened. It really feels like magic.” Goldstein self-taped some scenes that he thinks got him the Roy Hunt role, with one stunt, in particular, standing out. “My personal favorite is the scene where Roy is in the car park in episode five and is behind Keeley and accidentally scares her by her car,” he told PEOPLE. “I think that may have been the one that sealed the deal. That or [the show’s creators] couldn’t be bothered to keep looking.”
Is Brett Goldstein real?
A bizarre rumor circulated online accusing Goldstein of being a CGI creation and not an actual flesh and blood human being. Ted Lasso co-creator Brendan Hunt joked to CNET, “I can neither confirm nor deny that if you entered data into an algorithm for ‘building the perfect actor’ it would produce Brett Goldstein.” Goldstein’s own hilarious response to the theory: A video of himself as an emoji explaining, “I’m a completely real, normal human man who just happens to live in a VFX house and does normal, human, basic things like rendering and buffering and transferring data.” Next, find out all the details about Season 3 of Ted Lasso!