One of these is the American Girl line that’s making a comeback. Though still around today, the dolls were especially popular from 1986, when the company started, through the ’90s and ’00s, with the release of the Historical Collection of dolls, each focusing on a specific moment in history. The original Historical Collection of American Girl dolls included girls like Felicity Merriman, who is set in the pre-Revolutionary time of the late 1700s, Josefina Montoya, who lives in the New Mexico area in the earlier 1800s, shortly after Mexico gained independence from Spain, and Kit Kittredge, a girl living during the Great Depression. Now, people everywhere have turned this into an hilarious meme by talking about the sort of American Girls they might make based on common present-day experiences. While the specific “We need an American Girl doll who…” meme format taking over the internet didn’t kick off until a month or so ago, Instagram accounts like @hellicity_merriman and @mollymcinfire started using American Girl dolls as comedy material around February of this year. As it turns out, American Girl dolls are surprisingly relatable.  Based on the premise, many people started creating memes imagining American Girl dolls set in other historical time periods, like @hellicity_merriman’s posts, “We need an American Girl doll who was on the Mayflower in 1620 and fell off,” and “We need an American Girl doll who was living at the Watergate when it all went down.” Then other memes in this format go another direction, imagining American Girl dolls dedicated to extremely specific modern experiences, like “We need an American Girl doll who spent $2500 on a Peloton during the pandemic to become a new person and rode it 4 times since.” @hellicity_merriman even used Bitty Baby dolls in a few posts.  More people have joined in on Twitter as well, like @magstrology, who wrote, “We need an American girl doll who filters her Bumble based on zodiac signs.” There’s also this one by @Fox_onDaProwl, who addressed all Stranger Things fans still dealing with the fallout of Season 4, saying, “We need an American girl doll who cried for the last 40 min of the last ep of season 4 of stranger things…” Whether you check out the American Girl doll memes for the historical jokes or the modern struggles, there are sure to be plenty of laughs.  Next, John Green Tells TikTok He Can’t Travel to Canada Without Being Interrogated