For example, if you’re the type of person who always puts others’ needs ahead of your own, you may have attracted friends and partners who took advantage of your kindness and compassion. Giving comes naturally to you and helping others lights you up. But over time, what once lit you up, became emotionally and physically draining. You no longer felt productive, motivated, or inspired. If you’ve fallen into the trap of over-giving at some point, you’re not alone. That’s why it’s important to acknowledge when you’re feeling stressed and burnt out—otherwise, it can lead to compassion fatigue.

What is the definition of compassion fatigue?

Compassion fatigue occurs when someone in a role of a helper or a helping professional reaches a state of emotional exhaustion. “Essentially, it’s ’empathy burnout’,”Jason Drake, LCSW-S, Lead Clinician and Owner of Katy Teen & Family Counseling, says. “Compassion fatigue is a state of emotional overwhelm that is constant and persistent. Once in this state of emotional exhaustion, it becomes difficult to empathize with those they help.” Over time, compassion fatigue can cause many people to shut down, experiencing a numbness or desensitization from sensitivity towards another’s emotional experiences.

Compassion fatigue symptoms and signs

If you think you might have compassion fatigue, Dr. Sanam Hafeez, PsyD, New York State licensed Neuropsychologist and faculty member at Columbia University, suggests looking for the following symptoms:

Self-isolationIncreased difficulty sleepingHeadachesSelf-abasementFeeling emotionally and psychologically exhaustedNauseaPoor work-life balanceDepressionLoss of productivityIntrusive thoughts

Who is at risk for compassion fatigue?

People in a giving role are at the highest risk of developing compassion fatigue. While compassion fatigue can affect many people, caregivers, doctors, nurses, healthcare workers, therapists, psychologists, and social workers are most likely to be affected.

Compassion fatigue treatment

Treatment options for compassion fatigue include taking time away from work, engaging in regular self-care, and maintaining a strong work/life balance.

Rest and recharge

The first step is to take a break. “If someone is experiencing compassion fatigue, the first step is to take some time away from work to focus on their own wellbeing,” says Drake. “This is a time to ‘reset.’ While taking time away from work is an important step, it needs to be followed up with regular self-care.”

Practice self-care

Make yourself and your needs a priority. Incorporating self-care into your schedule is essential. “Self-care is planning time to engage in activities that the person enjoys,” Drake explains. “These activities often take their mind off work and bring a sense of self-fulfillment.”

Maintain a strong work/life balance

Be consistent with your self-care routine. In order to be productive at work, you need to continuously nourish your mind, body and spirit. For example, on your days off or on vacation, don’t answer work calls, emails, or texts. “While it can be challenging to resist the urge to answer that email or text, if we start down this slippery slope, it seldom ends up that one email or text or that one phone call,” says Drake. “Before we know it, we find ourselves working while we are supposed to be resting and building back our emotional reserves.”

Join a support group

It can help to talk with people who understand what you’re going through. “Support groups can make you realize that you are not the only one dealing with certain emotions or problems,” says Dr. Hafeez. “Expressing your feelings in a supportive environment with people who have gone through similar experiences can be a very therapeutic and stress-relieving experience.”

Compassion fatigue prevention

Maintaining balance along with practicing self-care can help prevent compassion fatigue. “Some prevention steps you can take include practicing self-care, which should include regular exercise, eating healthy, good hygiene, a regular sleep routine, spending time with loved ones, and developing a work-life balance,” Dr. Hafeez explains. “Having regular therapy sessions can also help you process difficult emotions. Journaling and practicing mindfulness may also help improve mood and reduce stress.” Self-care isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach, so find what works best for you and stick with it! Your mind and body will thank you. Next, read up on how caregivers can benefits from telehealth during the pandemic. 


Jason Drake, LCSW-S, Lead Clinician and Owner of Katy Teen & Family CounselingDr. Sanam Hafeez, PsyD, New York State Licensed Neuropsychologist and Faculty Member at Columbia University Compassion Fatigue  Definition  Signs  Symptoms   Treatment - 30