What is heartburn?

If you’ve ever experienced heartburn, you know exactly the kind of pain we’re talking about. If you haven’t, you should consider yourself lucky—very lucky. Essentially, heartburn feels like your chest is burning. Often, the burning sensation begins in the chest and moves up your neck and into your throat. It tends to get worse if you lie down or bend over. You might also notice a sour taste in your throat. What causes heartburn? You can probably blame your lower esophageal sphincter. This is a valve that connects your stomach to your esophagus. If it’s weakened or doesn’t function correctly, it allows the acid from your stomach to creep back up your esophagus. This is called reflux. Since that acid is a strong mixture intended to break down food for digestion, you can imagine how it feels when it winds up somewhere it doesn’t belong. Heartburn can last anywhere from a few minutes to several hours. People who experience heartburn on a regular basis may be diagnosed with gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, although not everyone with GERD feels the burn. Some people are predisposed to developing heartburn, especially after eating certain foods. Sometimes it’s because they may have certain risk factors and other times there are modifiable risk factors, like a higher body weight, an unhealthy diet, or a smoking habit, says Dr. William Chey, MD, a professor of medicine and director of the GI Physiology Lab at the University of Michigan. And sometimes heartburn just happens, particularly during pregnancy. However, food is a common culprit. Even if you’re not predisposed to heartburn, eating some foods can still triggers this painful sensation. It tends to be worse if you lie down not long after eating, too.

Foods that cause heartburn

While certain foods often cause heartburn, not everyone has the same triggers. However, certain foods have achieved a reputation for contributing to heartburn. For example, acidic foods are notorious for causing heartburn and acid reflux. Another culprit: fried, fatty foods. “Fatty foods are the worst for heartburn,” says Dr. Yi Qin, a gastroenterologist with the Cleveland Clinic. Those foods “can cause heartburn by decreasing the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter and by prolonging the time that the food sits in the stomach,” she says.  Here are some common heartburn culprits to be aware of:

Oranges, grapefruit and other citrus fruitsTomatoes and foods containing tomato sauceCoffee and other beverages containing caffeinePeppermintAlcoholic beveragesCarbonated beveragesOnions and garlicFatty, deep fried foods

Chocolate is another potential trigger food for some people, adds Dr. Camille Thélin, MD, MS, a clinical assistant professor and Women’s Digestive Health Program Director in the Division of Digestive Diseases and Nutrition at the University of South Florida’s Morsani College of Medicine. Not everyone will have trouble with all of these, notes Dr. Chey. These foods are just the most commonly cited triggers for heartburn. You may be more sensitive to one than other. If you’re wondering what to eat instead, you’re on the right track. You may want to try foods that are more alkaline, rather than acid, suggests Dr. Chey. So that might include swapping out a citrus fruit that’s acidic for another type of fruit. Melons are a good option. Dr. Qin suggests trying food that’s high in fiber, like oatmeal, and green, leafy vegetables, too. “Those are naturally low in fat and sugar and can reduce heartburn,” she says. Here’s a list of foods to consider in place of the heartburn-inducers:

BananasCantaloupeHoneydew melonWatermelonOatmealNutsGreen beans, broccoli, and other green vegetables

Foods that relieve heartburn

Are there foods that can actually relieve heartburn? Not entirely. It’s more that some foods can be helpful, more than actually getting rid of your heartburn, says Dr. Qin. For example, say you want to eat some fruit. You might go with papaya, which can help neutralize acid, so that might be a better choice than, say, an orange, which contains acid and might actually trigger a case of heartburn. Dr. Qin suggests trying the following foods, if you’re looking for a culinary strategy to try to relieve heartburn:

AlmondsMilkYogurtChamomile teaPapayaLicoriceGinger

Any one of those may appeal to you more than another, and you may find that one works better for you than another. Next up, here are some simple diet changes that can ease heartburn and GERD.


William Chey, MD, professor of medicine and director of the GI Physiology Lab at University of MichiganYi Qin, MD, gastroenterologist with the Cleveland ClinicCamille Thélin, MD, MS, a clinical assistant professor and Women’s Digestive Health Program Director, Division of Digestive Diseases and Nutrition, University of South Florida’s Morsani College of Medicine Foods That Cause Heartburn  Onions  Tomatoes  Oranges  and More - 82