But is schizophrenia hereditary?  Dr. Russell Temme MD, Chief Medical Officer at Wisconsin’s Aurora Psychiatric Hospital at Aurora Health Care, defines schizophrenia as “a serious mental illness that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves.” The disorder can cause people to feel as if they’ve lost touch with reality, bringing on hallucinations, delusions, and disordered thinking. Can more than one family member share this set of symptoms? What is your family’s risk if you, your partner, or one of your parents has schizophrenia? Read on to see what the experts say about whether or not schizophrenia is genetic and how you can best support a fellow family member with this mental illness.

Is schizophrenia genetic?

According to Dr. Xiaoduo Fan, MD, MPH, MSc, Professor of Psychiatry and Director of the Psychotic Disorders Research Program at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, when it comes to schizophrenia, heredity does play a role. He says, “The risk of schizophrenia is about 1% in the general population. If you have a first-degree relative or a parent or sibling with schizophrenia, your risk to have schizophrenia is about 10%. The risk increases to about 50% if both parents have been diagnosed with schizophrenia. The risk is about 40 to 65% if an identical twin has been diagnosed with schizophrenia.” But keep in mind that these numbers don’t mean that a person is guaranteed to have schizophrenia. Dr. Temme says, “It is important to know that just because someone in a family has schizophrenia, it does not mean that other members of the family will have it as well.” Dr. Temme notes that it’s possible to develop the disorder even if there’s no history within a family.

Things that can increase your risk of schizophrenia

Although the causes of schizophrenia are complex and not fully understood, Dr. Temme says that researchers believe that they have landed upon a combination of risks that can lead to schizophrenia. Our experts both detail these risks, and they include:

GeneticsEnvironmental factors such as living in poverty and stressful surroundingsExposure to viruses or nutritional problems before birthOther birth complications like premature labor, low birth weight, or a lack of oxygen during birthAlcohol and drug use, such as marijuanaProblems with certain naturally occurring brain chemicals, including neurotransmitters called dopamine and glutamate

Dr. Temme explains, “Neuroimaging studies show differences in the brain structure and central nervous system of people with schizophrenia. While researchers aren’t certain about the significance of these changes, they indicate that schizophrenia is a brain disease.”

How to support a loved one with schizophrenia

If more than one member of your family has schizophrenia, there’s no question that getting through your day-to-day life can feel like a challenge. One thing that may help is getting educated as a family. “The family should get involved in a psychoeducation program to learn as much as possible about the illness and how to be a good support system to their loved ones,” says Dr. Temme. Dr. Fan recommends seeking out community resources for schizophrenia support, such as support groups from the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). He also says that it’s key to maintain a positive attitude, to remain hopeful, and to encourage open communication. Dr. Fan notes that family members should feel safe to “share their feelings and emotions,” adding, “The ventilation and normalization of such feelings and emotions is therapeutic.” For those in the family who are not mentally ill, Dr. Fan shares this advice: “Do not blame the family members who have been diagnosed with schizophrenia. Do not simply tell them to ‘pull yourselves together.’ Provide emotional support. Encourage them to take their medicine. And watch out for any signs of relapse.” Next up, discover 30 of the best mental health apps.


Russell Temme MD, Chief Medical Officer at Aurora Psychiatric Hospital at Aurora Health Care in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin.Xiaoduo Fan, MD, MPH, MSc, Professor of Psychiatry and Director of the Psychotic Disorders Research Program at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester, Massachusetts.National Institutes of Health: “Common Genetic Factors Found in 5 Mental Disorders” Is Schizophrenia Genetic  Here s What to Know About How Hereditary Schizophrenia Is - 3